The Characters

Ed Barren

Code Name - The Warden

His story.

*Will Update later*

His Ability.

*Will Update later*

His Weapon.

 *Will Update later* 

His Loadout.

 *Will Update later* 

Ben Rockeer

Code Name - The Guard

His story.

*Will Update later*

His Ability.

*Will Update later*

His Weapon.

 *Will Update later* 

His Loadout.

 *Will Update later* 

Ethan Baron

Code Name - The Military

His story.

*Will Update later*

His Ability.

*Will Update later*

His Weapon.

 *Will Update later* 

His Loadout.

 *Will Update later* 

Caleb Zimmer

Code Name - The Medic

His story.

*Will Update later*

His Ability.

*Will Update later*

His Weapon.

 *Will Update later* 

His Loadout.

 *Will Update later* 

Patrick Terry

Code Name - The Construction

His story.

*Will Update later*

His Ability.

*Will Update later*

His Weapon.

 *Will Update later* 

His Loadout.

 *Will Update later* 

Farina Larkskins

Code Name - The Sass

Her story.

Farina is a young, gorgeous and very successful Crime Scene Photographer, one of the best in the city.  She was just coming off of a 10 hour shift when the apocalypse happened and the murdering started, keeping her busy with the phone calls needing her assistance.  Upon leaving her apartment in the city to help out her fellow law enforcement officers, her ex-boyfriend shows up at her car, demanding she take him back.  

He was clearly being affected by this apocalypse, so she says no, but he was not allowing that to happen.  Then things got physical, but she was able to escape his wrath and start up her car.  Upon leaving the city block, dispatch sent out a message to all units telling them that the town is lost and for them to make their way out of town.

After having the physical fight with her ex and the city becoming a disaster, she takes this sign and immediately heads out of town, taking the back roads as she figures that the main roads would be crowded.  

As soon as she reaches the city limits, the car starts to break down.  A combination of thick fog and heavy rain can do that to a vehicle, making the roads a hazard and cause accidents.  She did not see the tree.  Then all she saw was darkness, until a voice woke her up.  A loud, deep concerning voice. . . 

Her Ability.

With being a Crime Scene Photographer, Farina knows how to work a camera.  Her special ability is being able to use her Nikon Camera, that when activated, can stun the enemies for a brief moment.  During this moment, she can either fight, or flee, depending on the circumstances.

Her Weapon.

With being in a abusive relationship and having the law as a best friend, Farina was able to get her hands on a modified, jail broken Taser Gun that inflicts a small amount of damage, but stuns anyone it hits for a brief period and has a decent amount of range.

Her Loadout.

Given that she has her camera bag with her, she always has that small amount of extra room for anything she might find that could come in handy.  Her starting load out is 5 Inventory slots instead of the 3.

John Sandusky

Code Name - The Boss

His story.

John Sandusky is a badass, no matter what time of the day or year it is.  He has no fear, but fear itself.  

His Ability.

With him being a badass, what better ability to have than the ability to start fires.  His special ability is Lighter and Fuel, which enables him to set ablaze anything his heart desires.  

His Weapon.

The best weapon that a badass can have is none other than a Double Barrel Sawed-Off Shotgun.  This weapon does massive damage at close range, but only tickles when it reaches the limit of that range.  That and has barely any ammo for it. So be warned when using this massive damage weapon, just because you can, should you?

His Loadout.

Given that he has everything else in his life, what could he possibly have that isn't badass?  His inventory of course!  He only has 2 inventory slots to carry items around.

Rosie Orlov

Code Name - The Stamper

Her story.

*Will Update later*

Her Ability.

*Will Update later*

Her Weapon.

 *Will Update later* 

Her Loadout.

 *Will Update later*